How do travel agents get paid?

How do travel agents get paid?

We, Travel Agents, get paid commission through our suppliers AFTER our clients travel. Yes, there are a select few suppliers that pay commission right away however it’s usually a small amount of money. If a client cancels the trip, since the client didn’t...
“Do you have payment plans?”

“Do you have payment plans?”

The short answer is yes!   When booking a vacation package (normally a hotel and flight) there are more opportunities for payment plans. Booking a hotel only can also have opportunities for payment plans.   Payment plan example is:   Pay the deposit. If flights are...
Hi, let me introduce myself…

Hi, let me introduce myself…

My name is Cassidy Robinson and I love to travel.   I am a Travel Agent, an Independent Contractor, for Wonderland Family Vacations, LLC. Grand Rapids, Michigan is my home base and it is the perfect city for this chapter of my life.   This blog started because I...